Home-Schooling Parents:
— so you don’t have
to monitor them?
— but challenge you
and move you
towards your goals?
Who says learning has to be a boring slog — an exercise in drudgery? Not us. Imagine earning college credits or certification through courses you (or your kids) can’t wait to jump into?
Welcome to Certify-ED — online learning
like you’ve never seen it before…
Welcome to Certify-ED — online learning like you’ve never seen it before…
Why choose Certify-ED? Here are eight reasons…
1) ENGAGING: Our courses are grounded in short, YouTube-style videos (both instructional and simulations) that grab and keep students’ attention — exactly the way they want to learn.

True Virtual Reality Want to truly “experience” the subject matter you’re studying (or the field you’re training for)? Our virtual reality delivers the closest thing to the real-world activity. (courses can be experienced on a laptop or with VR goggles).

2) EFFECTIVE: Teaching and testing is done in short bursts, allowing students to feel an ongoing and consistent sense of accomplishment. Five questions at the end of each short module test students’ grasp of the material. Materials can be reviewed and tests retaken multiple times.
3) USER-FRIENDLY: You’ll find Certify-ED’s curriculum and platform to be intuitive, easy to learn and easy to use.

3) USER-FRIENDLY: You’ll find Certify-ED’s curriculum and platform to be intuitive, easy to learn and easy to use.
Home-schooling parent? Our semester-length courses are “out-of-the-box” ready, but are flexible enough to allow you to add to/modify existing material along the way.
3) USER-FRIENDLY: You’ll find Certify-ED’s curriculum and platform to be intuitive, easy to learn and easy to use.

4) CERTIFICATION-FOCUSED: Chances are, you’re not taking a course for fun. You’re following a dream — career or personal — that requires certification (or in the case of home-schooling, the goal is mastery of the material). Our curriculum is designed with certification in mind, with easy-to-follow “next-steps” guidance to certification (i.e., NOCTI or other certification entities).

4) CERTIFICATION-FOCUSED:Chances are, you’re not taking a course for fun. You’re following a dream — career or personal — that requires certification (or in the case of home-schooling, the goal is mastery of the material). Our curriculum is designed with certification in mind, with easy-to-follow “next-steps” guidance to certification (i.e., NOCTI or other certification entities).
For example, if you’re pursuing a drone license, we’ll steer you to the FAA for certification. Seeking certification in Taekwon-Do? You’ll be instructed to videotape your routines and forward them on to the certifying body. If your course leads to NOCTI certification, rest assured we’ve designed the course with their guidelines in mind.
4) CERTIFICATION-FOCUSED: Chances are, you’re not taking a course for fun. You’re following a dream — career or personal — that requires certification (or in the case of home-schooling, the goal is mastery of the material). Our curriculum is designed with certification in mind, with easy-to-follow “next-steps” guidance to certification (i.e., NOCTI or other certification entities).

5) NONSTOP AWARDS: More than two dozen industry awards for our curriculum in its first three years (for innovation, education, technical achievement and many others) means one thing: We’re giving students what they want.
6) “ALWAYS-ON” RELIABILITY: You want to access courses on your schedule, not ours. The Certify-ED platform enjoys near-legendary, downtime-free accessibility, thanks to constant monitoring and security protocols.

7) CUTTING-EDGE ID-VERIFICATION: Industry-leading, ID-verifying application ensures integrity of certifying exams (URVerified.com), allowing you to assure certifying bodies that the student who took a course exam is the same student who completed the course. More details here.

8) AFFORDABLE: Even with all the leading-edge features and functionality you’ll enjoy with Certify-ED’s offerings, you’ll find our offerings surprisingly affordable. Contact us for a personalized quote.
Browse our existing Certify-ED course catalog here.
8) AFFORDABLE: Even with all the leading-edge features and functionality you’ll enjoy with Certify-ED’s offerings, you’ll find our offerings surprisingly affordable. Contact us for a personalized quote.
Browse our existing Certify-ED course catalog here.
9) AFFORDABLE: Even with all the leading-edge features and functionality you’ll enjoy with Certify-ED’s offerings, you’ll find our offerings surprisingly affordable. Contact us for a personalized quote.
Browse our existing Certify-ED course catalog here.